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Bowl Sound and Craft

Orgonite Pyramid with Carnelian and spiral symbol

Orgonite Pyramid with Carnelian and spiral symbol

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 USD
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This pyramid is a beautiful and powerful tool for your spiritual and healing practices.

Artfully crafted with high-quality orgonite resin, this pyramid is designed to balance and harmonize bio-energy, also known as chi or prana. The pyramid shape amplifies the orgonite's energy, creating a vortex of healing power that can help you connect with your inner self and the universe.

The Carnelian crystal in this pyramid is a stone of creativity, courage, and vitality. It is believed to enhance motivation, boost confidence, and promote positive energy flow in the body. The stone's warm and vibrant color inspires passion, enthusiasm, and joy.

The Spiral symbol on the pyramid represents the journey of life, growth, and evolution. It is a symbol of change, transformation, and cyclical movement. The spiral can help you tap into the energy of the universe and align your journey with your purpose.

Together, the Carnelian and Spiral symbol create a powerful tool for spiritual growth, creativity, and vitality. Use it in meditation, manifestation, or simply as a beautiful decoration for your home or office. Allow the pyramid's energy to help you awaken your creative potential, embrace change, and connect with the universe.

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